IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016

WORLD FIRST Twin Seat Proffessional Racing Car Simulator


WORLDS FIRST Twin Seat Professional Racing Car Simulator with Ultra VR pod or VR headset option being launched at IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016 –  by Motion Simulation - Stand 4290

Motion Simulation, designers of the worlds’ most advanced and immersive Racing Car Simulators have launched a Worlds First again, with the latest brand new products being launched TODAY during the IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016, in Florida, USA.

Building on the success of the already acclaimed single seat TL3 Racing Simulator, with its highly advanced design features, today we launch to market our TWIN SEAT Driver Simulator – which boasts a number of worlds’ first technologies.

The twin seat simulator includes a worlds’ first variable driving positions cockpit.  This ergonomically designed cockpit can adjust from a Formula car one day, a GT the next and a classic car another -  through the simple press of a button.

The twin seat sim offers full motion within a small footprint - which means we have maximised the amount of pitch, roll and heave possible adding to the realism of the experience.

Our race car set up is being launched at IAAPA with the worlds’ first portable 200 degree wrap around spherical screen producing a stunning 6 million pixel image.  Flight options are being considered for a later date.

Like the single seat TL3 Simulator, the twin seat adapts perfectly for multiple use set up in entertainment venues – with up to 20 Sims linked together and controlled through a central management system.  From a revenue point of view – the advantages are obvious, as twice the guests’ can be accommodated, revenue is also generated at a greater level.  From research we believe price per ride can increase for us much as 80% whilst we are anticipating the price of the twin seat to be below 40% higher than the single seat (TBC).    

The passenger seat also allows for younger guests, nervous guests, and non-drivers etc to become involved in the experience and fully appreciate the dynamics of the car.  With side by side seating, this set up also perfects Pro driver coaching possibilities and learner driving options.

Each Motion Simulation Simulator, whether single seat or twin seat, generates up to 2G of acceleration and offers life-like movement across 3 axis of movement - heave, pitch and roll.   Coupled with the world’s first portable 200` degree wrap around spherical screen, delivering astonishing visuals from a 6 million pixel image, and the world’s first fully adjustable cockpit  – the driving experience is incredibly realistic and immersive.    Our simulators, already used by top race teams & Pro drivers feature professional race pedals and controls, and full force-back steering.

Design and functionality is cutting edge and always sets new standards in driving experience.  Our simulators are hand built in the UK, by specially trained technicians, with race team or design backgrounds.  

We take on special projects for custom designs – and have experience in a whole range of flight, truck and commercial vehicle simulation.   Motion Simulation boasts a prestigious pedigree, having already supplied simulators to blue chip clients, Motor Manufacturers and Race drivers around the world, and has achieved press & TV recognition globally.

We are delighted to be expanding into North America – and with the dollar in such a strong position against sterling there has never been a better time for US Buyers to import from the Great Britain! 

·         Final pricing will be announced during IAAPA Attractions Expo 2016.    

·         Orders are being taken immediately, with expected first deliveries being fulfilled in the New Year

·         For more information, high res images or any queries please contact nicola@motionsimulation.com or call on +44 (0)1753 532461.  

·         More detail on our Showcase Motion Simulation Room, in the Great Britain, 20 minutes from Londons’ Heathrow Airport: www.motionsimulationroom.com

·         Please find our videos on YouTube

·         Facebook/MotionSimulation and FaceBook/MotionSimulationRoom for regular updates and new alerts!

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