NSS 2018

Penny is the new kid on the block !

For the first time at the National Stationery Show, Penny Illustration is excited to feature a wide range of exclusive products including greeting cards, framable prints, calendars, patches, accessories and pins with original and whimsical designs localy created right in the heart of Brooklyn, NY.

From her art studio in Dumbo, Penny created a stationery and lifestyle brand right after graduating college, only a year ago, as an oulet for her creativity while looking for a job as an illustrator. However, the overwhelming online response encouraged her to persue Penny Illustration full time and allowed her to share her weird sense of humor to the world. 

The brand is inspired by the vibrant streets of New York and all about self love, girl power, positivity and fun. As a young woman entrepreneur, Penny uses her platform to spread a positive feminist message in a playful and mischievous way, in order to make feminism accessible and relatable to all.

After having the opportunity to feature our products in various fairs, pop up events and small retailers, we are hoping to expand and keep growing Penny Illustration by finding new wholesale opportunities. 

Our work can be seen at Bulletin Broads SoHo, Fab.com, Assouline editions, Riad de Tarabel Hotel, Renegade Craft fair, Artists and Fleas and online on the brand's website.

You can also find us on Instagram where we release featurettes, our working process and fun all aound.