NY NOW Summer 2017



Rolser and the Espurna Foundation have signed an agreement through which the members of this Foundation collaborate at their work centres by producing some of the bags for the shopping trolleys with a view to promote the social and occupational integration of people with learning disabilities.

This Foundation focuses its philosophy on the comprehensive development of people with disabilities. Said development is centred around the idea that by promoting their skills, their disabilities will be reduced or mitigated.

Among others, the Foundation provides the following resources:

  • Day centre (20 users)
  • Occupational centre (80 users)
  • 15 Supervised Houses (Gandía)
  • 7 Supervised Houses (Torrente)
  • Special Work centre (70 users)
  • 3 PCFB training programmes relating to catering, cooking and ceramics.
  • Early intervention centre.
  • Leisure and free time.

With this project, at Rolser we aim to fight against the exclusion of people with different learning disabilities.

In addition to this association, Rolser also has an agreement with ESCLATEC (Special Occupational Centre for the inclusion into the labour market of seriously disabled people), as well as further collaborations with SIQUE (Private Foundation for Learning Disabilities), La Casa de Xuklis (shelter house for the families of children with cancer in Barcelona), Casa Ronald McDonald (another shelter house for children with cancer in Valencia), Fundación Blas Méndez (help for children with difficult-to-cure cancer), etc...