NY NOW Summer 2017

ALART / Possibility of the Aluminium


Flowervase, Plate, Cutlery, Accessory, Bookmark


In 1947, Marushin Material Co., Ltd. opened its factory in Ashikaga, Tochigi prefecture. The founder was an aeronautical engineer.

                   “We will create a new industry in Ashikaga.”

His wish brought a breath of new fresh air to Ashikaga, which was a town of textile industry, and now the metal industry has developed into the town’s major industry with several tens of manufacturers established.

In 1976, the father of current owner left the name,  ALART. In the base of it is, “Producing products that speak of themselves”.

Keep producing products that touch the hearts of those who picked them up with hands.

     -this concept has remained and will remain the same.

Creating a product out of a sheet of material.

   -the process are done by hand of many people.

Inorganic beauty of metal  combined with organic materials produces new possibilities of aluminium with new creative expressions.

We will keep producing products that will ‘connect’ people.