
Sessions (0)

Restricted Paper Session: Modeling and Simulation I (Room 303)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Session Chair:  William Y. Joo, U. S. Navy Papers: An Implementation of Interoperable Simulator Architecture; (Authors: ... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Tactical Networks I (Room 302)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Session Chair:  Feng Ouyang, JHU/APL Papers: Enabling Demand-Driven Dynamic Resource Allocation in the Presence of Flow Control;&... More...

Plenary Panel: Data -- Secure, Trusted and Mobile: Powering the Future of Military Communications (Room Hall B)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Plenary Panels, Plenary Program

Speaker(s): Terry Halvorsen ; Barbara H. Hoffman ; Essye B. Miller ; Kiersten E. Todt
Because today's battlespace is relentlessly fluid, a perfect synergy must be achieved and data mobility and productivity is essential to missio... More...

Technical Panel: Can We Trust the Robots? (Room 316)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Unclassified Technical Panels

Speaker(s): Dr. David Alberts ; Dr. Michael Hieb ; David Jakubek ; Dr. John Matsumara ; Dr. Joseph Mitola, III ; Dr. Marius Vassiliou
Automated agents are increasingly entering Command-and-Control (C2) structures of both first responders and armed forces.  As such agents beco... More...

Technical Panel: Quantum Computation, Sensing, and Communication (Room 317)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Unclassified Technical Panels

Speaker(s): Dr. Tanner Crowder ; MAJ Ryan Kenny, USA ; Dr. Marco Lanzagorta ; Dr. Keye Martin ; Dr. Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca
Breakthroughs in Quantum Computing are beginning to both unlock further understanding of quantum mechanics and to enable new applications for techn... More...

Technical Paper Session: CSTC5: Cyber Operation (Room 318)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Track 3: Cyber Security and Trusted Computing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Jack L. Burbank (The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA) 09:00 Confrontation with Closed Network Nati... More...

Technical Paper Session: NPP3: Selected Topics in Communications Networks (Room 313)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Track 2: Networking Protocols and Performance, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Dell Kronewitter (Fuse Integration, USA) 09:00 Statistical Quality of Service Provisioning over Edge Computing Mobile Wirel... More...

Technical Paper Session: WSP5: Modulation and Coding (Room 311)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Track 1: Waveforms and Signal Processing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Andrew Robertson (Naval Research Laboratory, USA) 09:00 A Comparison of Three Adaptive Transmission Protocols for Fountain-C... More...

Technical Paper Session: SYS3: Comms On-the-Move (Room 320)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:55 AM

Tracks: Track 4: System Perspectives, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: James Anthony Norris (Harris Communications Corp., USA) 09:00 A New UHF Narrowband Satellite Communications PHY Layer for H... More...

Technical Paper Session: WSP6: Radar, Tracking, and Localization (Room 312)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 11:55 AM

Tracks: Track 1: Waveforms and Signal Processing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Patrick Bidigare (Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA) 09:00 Effects of Unknown Shadowing and Non-Line-of-Sight on Indoor Tracki... More...

Restricted Tutorial: Resilient Cyber Physical Systems (Room 301)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Restricted Technical Program, Restricted Tutorials

Speaker(s): Bruce E. Tucker
Cyber physical systems use digital computers to control physical systems, such as industrial control systems, flight control systems, weapon system... More...

Tutorial: Cognitive Radio Network Design and SDR Programming for Tactical Communications (Room 315)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Technical Tutorials

Speaker(s): Dr. Sastry Kompella ; Dr. Yalin Sagduyu ; Dr. Sohraab Soltani
In this tutorial, we will expose participants to a wide array of topics regarding cognitive radio design, software-defined radio (SDR) implementati... More...

Tutorial: Efficient and Cost Effective use of Satellite Resources in IP Networks (Room 319)

24 Oct 17
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Technical Tutorials

Speaker(s): Burt Liebowitz
Satellites provide IP-based converged voice, video and data communications access to deployed military forces. However, there are issues related to... More...

Exhibit Hours (Room Halls B-D)

24 Oct 17
10:15 AM - 5:00 PM

Restricted Paper Session: Modeling and Simulation II (Room 303)

24 Oct 17
10:40 AM - 11:55 AM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Papers: Doppler Wireless Channel Emulator for Mobile Wireless Cyber Applications; (Authors: Daniel Chew, Daniel Barcklow, Stephan Frisbi... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Tactical Networks II (Room 302)

24 Oct 17
10:40 AM - 11:55 AM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Papers: Agile Network Isolation through use of Packet Level Non-Repudiation for Airborne Tactical Networks; (Authors: Christopher H... More...

MILCOM Theater: Protected SATCOM Future - Government View (Room Hall D)

24 Oct 17
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, MILCOM Theater Sessions, Unclassified Technical Panels, USAF Space and Missile Systems Center MILSATCOM

Speaker(s): Steve Breese ; Damon Feltman ; Bret L. Fornelius ; Richard E. Greel, Jr. ; Col Timothy M. McKenzie, USAF ; Dr. Rodney Miller ; Col George R. Nagy, USAF ; Jerry Rudeck
Several years of studies and proof of concept demonstrations have paved the way for development of next generation programs to provide assured SATC... More...

Team APG Theater: Enabling Sustainment Readiness Through Public-Private Partnerships (Room Hall D)

24 Oct 17
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Team APG Theater Sessions

Speaker(s): Michael Fusco ; Robert Glowacki ; Sylvia Grimsley ; Richard Medley
The right partnering mixture ensures a ready and controlled source, capable of providing ready weapon systems anytime and anywhere, efficiently and... More...

Luncheon Keynote and Awards (Room Hall A)

24 Oct 17
12:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Tracks: Keynotes, Plenary Program

Speaker(s): LTG Bruce T. Crawford, USA (Ret.)

MILCOM Theater: Protected SATCOM Future - Contractor View (Room Hall D)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, MILCOM Theater Sessions, Unclassified Technical Panels, USAF Space and Missile Systems Center MILSATCOM

Speaker(s): Enrico (Rico) Attanasio ; Mark Bever ; Dr. Eric K. Hall ; Jim Ivey ; Andy Lincoln ; Col Timothy M. McKenzie, USAF ; Brian Rodriguez
Industry has participated throughout concept exploration and trade studies on the future of protected SATCOM.  The diversity of views helps to... More...

Team APG Theater: Internet of Battlefield Things (Room Hall D)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Team APG Theater Sessions, U.S. Army CECOM Aberdeen Proving Ground

Speaker(s): Dr. Tarek Albedezhar ; Dr. Derya Canserver ; Dr. John Fossaceca ; Dr. Hesham Fouad ; Stephen M. Russell
The ability of military forces to understand, predict, adapt, and exploit the vast array of inter-networked things that will be present of the futu... More...

Technical Panel: Millimeter Wave Technology Challenges and Trends in Defense and Commercial Applications (Room 316)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Unclassified Technical Panels

Speaker(s): Roger Baker ; Dr. Lou Christen ; Dr. Ashwin Sampath ; Dr. Sanyogita Shamsunder ; Dr. Theodore (Tod) Sizer ; Dr. Abhishek Tiwari ; Bruce Wallace ; Dr. Ted Woodward
From the security scanner at your local airport to the blind-spot-monitoring systems in your car, to high-resolution airborne radar systems and hig... More...

Technical Panel: Threat-Based Cyber Risk Assessment (Room 317)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Unclassified Technical Panels

Speaker(s): Patrick T. Arvidson ; Scott G. Casper ; Dr. John D. Choi ; Don Davidson ; Peter Dinsmore
Government and industry have used multiple guidelines and standards over the years to assess the adequacy of information system security architectu... More...

Restricted Tutorial: Wire and Cable Knowledge (Room 301)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Restricted Technical Program, Restricted Tutorials

Speaker(s): Shakil Qureshi
Wire and cables play a crucial role in the performance of communications systems on almost all military hardware and weapon systems. Proper design ... More...

Tutorial: An Introduction to Cyber Resiliency (Room 315)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Technical Tutorials

Speaker(s): Deborah J. Bodeau ; Richard Graubart ; Rosalie McQuaid
Our national security, critical infrastructures and information technology environments are subject to escalating cyber-attacks by advanced cyber a... More...

Tutorial: MIMO Communications for Tactical Networks (Room 319)

24 Oct 17
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education, Technical Tutorials

Speaker(s): Dr. Satya Ponnaluri ; Dr. Yalin Sagduyu ; Dr. Sennur Ulukus
In this tutorial, we will address the system design and implementation aspects of multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) communications, especially... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Waveform and Signal Processing I (Room 303)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 3:35 PM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Session Chair:  Rich Hoffmann, CERDEC Papers: Performance of Packet Combining Schemes in the Presence of a Sweep Jammer; (Author... More...

Technical Paper Session: WSP7a: Radar and Communications (Room 311)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 3:55 PM

Tracks: Track 1: Waveforms and Signal Processing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Kurt Lightner (Raytheon Company, USA) 14:15 ComSens: Exploiting Pilot Diversity for Pervasive Integration of Communication ... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Enterprise Networks I (Room 302)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Session Chair:  Marilynn Wylie, JHU/APL Papers: Closed-Loop Cognitive Electronic Warfare Operations with Cyber Feedback;(Authors:&nbs... More...

Technical Paper Session: NPP4: Routing (Room 313)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 4:20 PM

Tracks: Track 2: Networking Protocols and Performance, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Alessandro Morelli (Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, USA) 14:15 Multi-Hop Routing Protocols for RFID Sy... More...

Technical Paper Session: SYS4: Tactical Networking I (Room 320)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Tracks: Track 4: System Perspectives, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Mark Dale (RT Logic, USA) 14:15 Shortest Paths for Routing Information over Temporally Dynamic Communication Networks ... More...

Technical Paper Session: WSP8: Channel Modeling and Estimation (Room 312)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 4:45 PM

Tracks: Track 1: Waveforms and Signal Processing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: David W Matolak (University of South Carolina, USA) 14:15 Robust Blind Spectral Estimation in the Presence of Non-Gaussian ... More...

Technical Paper Session: CSTC6: Network Protocols Security (Room 318)

24 Oct 17
2:15 PM - 4:55 PM

Tracks: Track 3: Cyber Security and Trusted Computing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: Sherry Wang (Intelligent Automation Inc (IAI), USA) 14:15 The Design and Implementation of a Multicast Address Moving Targe... More...

Plenary Panel: Accelerating the Speed to Solutions in Federal IT (Room Hall B)

24 Oct 17
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: Plenary Panels, Plenary Program

Speaker(s): Victor S. Gavin ; Thomas F. Greenfield ; Thomas P. Michelli ; VADM Nancy A. Norton, USN (Invited)
In today’s threat environment, in today’s era of hybrid warfare, thinking differently about capabilities and challenges, and being inno... More...

Technical Paper Session: WSP7b: Physical Layer Security (Room 311)

24 Oct 17
3:55 PM - 5:10 PM

Tracks: Track 1: Waveforms and Signal Processing, Unclassified Technical Paper Sessions

Chair: William C Headley (Virginia Tech & Hume Center, USA) 15:55 Evaluating Physical-Layer Security for Secondary Users in Co... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Enterprise Networks II (Room 302)

24 Oct 17
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Papers: Design and Implementation of the  REprogrammable Single Chip Universal Encryptor (RESCUE); (Authors: William E. Stephe... More...

Restricted Paper Session: Waveform and Signal Processing II (Room 303)

24 Oct 17
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM

Tracks: Restricted Technical Papers, Restricted Technical Program

Session Chair:  Rich Hoffmann, CERDEC Papers:  Optimal Reference Element Selection for Power-Inversion Adaptive Arrays to Reduce... More...