2018 WPC


Sessions (0)

The Future of Fragrance & Growth Opportunities

05 Jun 18
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM
Speaker(s): Hannah Symons
Mature fragrance markets are responding to a shift in consumer priorities by gearing strategies towards creating meaning and value, sacrificing sho... More...

Creative Expression in Perfumery

05 Jun 18
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Speaker(s): Jean-Claude Ellena
*Please note this workshop will be conducted in French. Join master perfumer, Jean-Claude Ellena, in his poetic masterclass about his crea... More...

The Past, Present, & Future of Signature Perfume Ingredients

05 Jun 18
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Speaker(s): Robert Bedoukian, PhD ; Zerlina Dubois
New synthetic ingredients have defined many of the iconic fragrance launches of our time. From Charlie, to Cool Water, to the popularity of Bath &a... More...

Rethinking Intellectual Fragrance Property (Euterpe Meeting Room - Level 3)

05 Jun 18
12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Speaker(s): Christophe Laudamiel ; Claire Guillemin, PhD
For centuries perfume creators and manufacturers relied upon trade secrets to protect their proprietary formulas—the creation of which typica... More...

Société Internationale des Parfumeurs Créateurs (Athena Ballroom Level 2)

05 Jun 18
2:45 PM - 3:05 PM
Speaker(s): Calice Becker
The Société Internationale des Parfumeurs Créateurs (SIPC) is working to express a larger vision for perfumers and perfumery in the indus... More...

Perfume and Policy (Athena Ballroom Level 2)

05 Jun 18
3:05 PM - 3:50 PM
Speaker(s): Farah Ahmed ; Martina Bianchini ; Pamela Oskiuta
Fragrance has the power to enhance lives, bringing moments of delight and joy to the world. As the industry creates, innovates, and grows, it is cr... More...

Restoring Perfume's Past and Future Models (Athena Ballroom Level 2)

05 Jun 18
4:05 PM - 4:25 PM
Speaker(s): Saskia Wilson-Brown
In this talk, Wilson-Brown will discuss some of the challenges inherent in the recreation of historic perfumes; the impact historic scents could ha... More...

Celebrating the Purpose of the Perfumery Industry and the Magic of Perfumes with a Purpose (Athena Ballroom Level 2)

05 Jun 18
4:30 PM - 4:50 PM
Speaker(s): Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat
In recent years many companies embarked on a journey to redefine the purpose of their business and their brands. This broad movement in today&rsquo... More...

Focusing on the "Why:" A New Direction for Our Industry (Athena Ballroom Level 2)

05 Jun 18
4:50 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker(s): Armand de Villoutreys
Focusing on the question ‘why?’ Armand will discuss in his closing keynote how new cultural values around the world are redefining... More...