National Institute 2019


Sessions (22)

PRE 1A | Administrator Boot Camp: What LEA Representatives Need to Know as IEP Team 'Process Leaders' (Room Sun B)

05 May 19
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Julie Weatherly
This symposium will provide an overview of the legal requirements related to the role and responsibility of an IEP team's "process leader&... More...

PRE 1B | Administrator Boot Camp: Can’t We All Just Get Along? (Room Sun B)

05 May 19
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Darcy Kriha
Educators face increasing hostility and anger in the field of special education, ranging from passive-aggressive attitudes to verbal (sometimes eve... More...

PRE 2B | Comprehensive School Safety Planning: Supporting Students With Disabilities and Special Needs (Room Sun A)

05 May 19
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Benjamin Fernandez
It is not a matter of if, but when a crisis will impact a school. School crises can range in severity from food poisoning to transportation acciden... More...

PRE 6 | Mastering the Maze of IDEA/504 Requirements, School Safety and Mental Health - What’s “Hot” in Florida Special Education Law? (Room Miami)

05 May 19
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Robert Avossa, Ed.D. ; Monica Verra-Tirado ; Julie Weatherly
Confused about the interplay between IDEA and Section 504 obligations and the new mandate to conduct threat assessments via threat assessment teams... More...

A1 | Test Your IDEA Spending Knowledge! (Room Sun A)

06 May 19
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Tiffany Kesslar
Did you know that your IDEA funds must be spent in accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations as well as IDEA'... More...

A2 | Addressing Employee Misconduct: Your Responsibilities When Special Educators Misbehave (Room Sun C)

06 May 19
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jocelyn Kramer
Administrators must intervene and address employee misconduct head on whether it be the failure to comply with employee policies and handbooks, imp... More...

A3 | Beyond the Morning Meeting — Reducing Risk Through Social and Emotional Learning (Room Sun B)

06 May 19
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): June Eassa
How do you build a structure in your schools that will support the healthy development both socially and emotionally of all students? Utilizing the... More...

A1-R | Test Your IDEA Spending Knowledge! (Room Sun A)

06 May 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Tiffany Kesslar
Did you know that your IDEA funds must be spent in accordance with the Education Department General Administrative Regulations as well as IDEA'... More...

A2-R | Addressing Employee Misconduct: Your Responsibilities When Special Educators Misbehave (Room Sun C)

06 May 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jocelyn Kramer
Administrators must intervene and address employee misconduct head on whether it be the failure to comply with employee policies and handbooks, imp... More...

A3-R | Beyond the Morning Meeting — Reducing Risk Through Social and Emotional Learning (Room Sun B)

06 May 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): June Eassa
How do you build a structure in your schools that will support the healthy development both socially and emotionally of all students? Utilizing the... More...

A4 | Everything You Wanted to Know About FERPA and Weren't Afraid to Ask (Room Sun A)

07 May 19
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jose Martín
Special educators must comply with the privacy requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act with respect to student records. Attor... More...

A5 | Courts, Cops, and DCS — What to Do When the Law Is Involved (Room Sun D)

07 May 19
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Amanda Lynn Morse
What do you do when a police officer is demanding to see a special education student's psychological evaluation, or a school discipline file? C... More...

A9 | Leveraging Current Funding and Staff to Improve Student Outcomes in Special Ed (Room Tallahassee)

07 May 19
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Brian Kasbar ; Annette Martinez SLP ; Gina Pope-Heron MA Ed CI
With the annual need for special education services climbing and many speech pathologists retiring,  schools across the country are scrambling... More...

A10 | Developing a Districtwide Autism Program: A Training Model for Serving Students With ASD (Room Tallahassee)

07 May 19
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Alicia Balfrey
Consistency of instruction is an essential component to effective school-based instruction for students with autism spectrum disorder. However, acc... More...

A6 | Leading the Investigation Into Allegations of Discriminatory Harassment (Room Sun C)

07 May 19
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jocelyn Kramer
Most schools have policies and procedures to prohibit bullying and disability discrimination, but few have taken the time to train the administrato... More...

A7 | Emergency Preparedness for Students With Disabilities: Reducing Liability and Best Practice Solutions (Room Sun B)

07 May 19
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Laura Sharp ; William Zee
Nearly every school has developed and implemented a plan to respond in emergency and crisis situations. Many such plans, however, fall short in add... More...

A8 | Private Providers in Schools: Opportunities and Pitfalls (Room Sun C)

07 May 19
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Wayne Stewart J.D., Ph.D.
When parents are fortunate to locate and access resources to pay for mental health services for their children and the providers are willing to go ... More...

A6-R | Leading the Investigation Into Allegations of Discriminatory Harassment (Room Sun C)

08 May 19
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jocelyn Kramer
Most schools have policies and procedures to prohibit bullying and disability discrimination, but few have taken the time to train the administrato... More...

A7-R | Emergency Preparedness for Students With Disabilities: Reducing Liability and Best Practice Solutions (Room Sun B)

08 May 19
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Laura Sharp ; William Zee
Nearly every school has developed and implemented a plan to respond in emergency and crisis situations. Many such plans, however, fall short in add... More...

A8-R | Private Providers in Schools: Opportunities and Pitfalls (Room Sun C)

08 May 19
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Wayne Stewart J.D., Ph.D.
When parents are fortunate to locate and access resources to pay for mental health services for their children and the providers are willing to go ... More...

A4-R | Everything You Wanted to Know About FERPA and Weren't Afraid to Ask (Room Sun A)

08 May 19
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Jose Martín
Special educators must comply with the privacy requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act with respect to student records. Attor... More...

A5-R | Courts, Cops, and DCS — What to Do When the Law Is Involved (Room Sun D)

08 May 19
11:15 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Administration

Speaker(s): Amanda Lynn Morse
What do you do when a police officer is demanding to see a special education student's psychological evaluation, or a school discipline file? C... More...