2019 Craft Brewers Conference


Sessions (8)

Diversify Your Business Through Distillation (Mile High Ballroom 4)

09 Apr 19
1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Colin Blake ; Dave Colt ; Drew Cochrane
Join Dave Colt of Sun King Brewery and Distillery, Dan Carey of New Glarus Brewing Co., and Colin Blake of Moonshine University for a panel-style e... More...

Pumps and Piping Systems: Correct Layout for Longevity, Energy Savings and Gentle Product Treatment (Mile High Ballroom 1)

09 Apr 19
1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Deniz Bilge
Pumps are fundamental machines in the brewing industry. In the brewhouse they transport wort from one vessel to another. In the cellar, they convey... More...

Hop Contracting is So Yesterday – NOT (Mile High Ballroom 1)

09 Apr 19
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Chris Swersey ; Dick Cantwell ; John Mallett
Hop contracting remains the single tool allowing craft brewers of all sizes to ensure access to the hop varieties they cherish for their beer brand... More...

Ask The Brewmasters: Cold Side Operations Forum (Mile High Ballroom 1)

10 Apr 19
1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Andy Tveekrem ; Ashton Lewis ; James Ottolini ; Mitch Steele ; Molly Browning
This panel discussion of 4 brewing experts will offer observations and answer questions on the subject area of cold side operations. All questions ... More...

Employee Ownership at Work: Making Better Beer Faster Using a Continuous Improvement Program (Mile High Ballroom 4)

10 Apr 19
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Aaron Moberger ; John Ahern
Improving any aspect of our breweries (safety, quality, efficiency, etc.) requires inputs or resources. We are all very fortunate to work with pass... More...

We All Brew in Someone Else’s Backyard: Developing a Productive Partnership with Your Water and Wastewater Providers (Mile High Ballroom 1)

10 Apr 19
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Brandon Smith
As a brewer, you know the importance of quality raw materials to your final product. You also know that there are residuals from the process that y... More...

We Can and So Can You: Canning Line Selection and Installation (Mile High Ballroom 1)

11 Apr 19
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Alan Windhausen ; Brock Ashburn ; Perry Dickerson
Properly packaging your beer for market is critical to quality and consumer experience, and the first step is selecting and installing the equipmen... More...

Taking the "F" Out of Filtration: Understanding How to Make Beers Filterable (Mile High Ballroom 1)

11 Apr 19
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Brewery Operations

Speaker(s): Rod White
Gain clarity in a murky world. Learn the latest insights on how to brew beers that filter well. Join Rod White, who leads the Global Filtration Use... More...