POWER-GEN Asia 2018


Sessions (0)

Ansaldo Energia MXL Platform Retrofit Gas Turbine Performance Upgrades for Improved Flexibility & Reliability in Asia (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Eleonora Gazzo ; Milan Pathak ; Roberto Masala

Application of Energy Storage to Improve the Grid Performance – Case Study (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Edla Srinivas ; Miaolei Shao ; Neelima Tambey ; Rushikesh Deshpande ; Sundar Venkatraman
This paper presents a case study for a 1000 MW Integrated Wind, Solar and Energy Storage hybrid plant planned in Andhra Pradesh in India demonstrat... More...

Belt and Road Financing Emerging Structures and Key Negotiation Challenges (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): David Platt

CAPEX Optimisation – Making One Million USD per MW a Reality - An Approach for Indonesian Power Sector (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Raghavan Ramadurai ; Vikas Manohar

Compact Turbine Design for Ultra-Super Critical Steam Parameters (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Karen Goepfert ; Rainer Quinkertz ; Robert Schmoll ; Stefan Brueck
Since the market introduction of steam power plants with ultra-super critical steam conditions 20 years the majority of projects was mainly on larg... More...

Creating a Digital Generation Business: Uniper’s Journey Towards Becoming a Digital Generator (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Arjun Chohan
Uniper's position was once of the traditional asset owner, operator and end-to-end energy company, with its assets and market activities tendin... More...

Digitally-Enabled Power Plant (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Koji Imakita
This is update of the past papers in Power Gen Asia. In plant operation and maintenance(O&M), digital transformation is on process and digital ... More...

Electricity Supply in Indonesia: Successes and Challenges (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Herman Darnel Ibrahim

Emission and Performance Upgrade for F-Series Gas Turbine Retrofit (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Daisuke Hamajima ; Hirofumi Ohara ; Keita Fujii ; Yoshiaki Ochiai
One of major global concerns about fossil fueled power is emission. Demand on NOx reductions in the power sector is environmental, social and polit... More...

Evolutionary Development of Siemens SGT-800 - a Ground for Reliable Up-Grades (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Esa Utriainen ; Mats Blomstedt
Product development in small steps (evolution) gives the advantage of fine-tuning the design based on available operating experience. Bigger leaps ... More...

Financing Infrastructure Projects in Asia (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): David Dovan

Financing Infrastructure Projects in Asia – Challenges and Critical Success Factors (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Ted Low

High Efficiency Biomass CFB Boilers for the Asian Market (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Damian Goral ; Frank Leuschke ; Heike Huenchen
Electricity generation based on biomass incineration is a substantial element of the energy mix and plays an important role in the decarburization ... More...

Indonesia's New Thermal and Renewable PPA Models (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Luke Devine
After a slow start, progress on Indonesian renewable projects has started to pick up speed. With the first wind and grid-connected solar PPAs now s... More...

Making Digital Real – Improving Power Plant Operations Combining O&M and Digital Know-How (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Amogh Bhonde ; Stefan Schaab ; Thomas Gulden ; Ute Messmer ; Yucheng Tang ; Yvonne Post

Opportunities and Challenges for Small-Scale LNG in Indonesia (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Michael Hideki Matsumura
Providing reliable and affordable power in Indonesia is challenging given the country’s topography, being comprised of over 17,000 islands wi... More...

Panel Discussion (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): David Dovan ; David Platt ; Helmy Afrisa Nugroho ; Ted Low

Renewable Energy Auctions: Lessons from Private Investors in Thailand and Malaysia (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Mikell O’Mealy

Rotor Life Time Extension and Repair Solutions (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Emanuele Innocente ; Nina Wood

Session 2a: Indonesia: Successes and Challenges (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Arthur Simatupang
Showcasing Indonesia’s new PPA models, fast track modular projects and the opportunities for LNG More...

Session 2b: Financing in Asia (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Adrian Wong ; Rex Panambunan
Overview of agency innovation in energy financing  More...

Session 2c: GT Upgrades & Retrofits (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Djunairman A. Djulkifli ; Sasha Savic, Ph.D.
Deals with latest upgrades of mature GTs and retrofits using new technologies More...

Session 2d: High-Efficiency CFB & USC (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Nandi Ranadireksa ; Peter Smart
Provides project case studies and considerations in designing and executing CFB coal and biomass projects and examine ultra supercritical steam con... More...

Session 2e: Effective Energy Storage (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): I Made Ro Sakya ; Saji Raghavan
Energy storage is vital for decarbonization. New technologies are emerging and being implemented. This session showcases such technologies for the ... More...

Session 2f: Digitally Enabled Plant Performance (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Chris Naunheimer ; Waluyo Nugroho H
This session discusses the use of digital technologoes and strategies to enhance the performance of power generating assets More...

Session 2g: Creating Success - Lessons from Other Markets (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Leon Pulles ; Moch. Sofyan .
Renewable policies in other countires have shown where failures occur. We draw on this to find success More...

State-of -the-art CFB Technology Combined with Local Execution – the First Operational Experience of Babelan Power Plant (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Ari Kokko ; Jussi Orhanen ; Richard Flynn ; Sami Sivola
Valmet supplied PT Cikarang Listrindo in Babelan outside Jakarta in Indonesia two coal fired CFB boilers with a total capacity of 280 MWe . The del... More...

Success Story: PLN Powering Eastern Indonesia on Fast Track Basis with Modular Power Plant Concept (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Febron Siregar
Over the recent years, there has been a significant Power shortage and low electrification ratio in the Eastern part of Indonesia (Kalimantan, Malu... More...

Technical and Commercial Considerations for the Development of Solar PV Projects in Indonesia (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Akaraseth Puranasamriddhi ; Nonthi Cherdsanguan ; Rassa Herabat
Indonesia is the largest energy consumer in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) community, accounting for roughly 40 percent of tota... More...

The Feasibility and Market Impact of a Renewables-Dominated Future in a Competitive Power Market (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Richard Bowmaker
New build of renewable power generation and battery storage has recently exceeded most expectations, with costs undercutting those of conventional ... More...

The Value Proposition for CFB Power Plants in Indonesia and Broader Asia (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): John Hernandez

Understanding the value of Energy Storage Systems in South East Asia (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Nicolas Leong ; Wilhelm Van Butselaar
Growing energy demand, integration of renewable energies and well known but long time seemingly unsolvable issues in energy supply grids pose major... More...

Values of Energy Storage in Different Asia Pacific Contexts (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Karen Liu ; Pierre Dennery ; Recca Liem
In the past year, energy storage has grown in importance as a cutting-edge solution for rectifying grid-related issues and the integration of renew... More...

Challenges in Powering Indonesia’s Outer Islands (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Iban Chairani

Technology Portfolio that can Utilize High CO2 Gas (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Jeffrey Goldmeer

Networking Coffee Break (Room Garuda Foyer, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies, TRACK B - Finance & Investment, TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation, TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies, TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources, TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization, TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Accelerated Renewable Energy Development – Pulau -Temelong Small Hydro Project (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Abhishek Pandey ; Jaysing Choudhari ; Liz Foley
In the year 2011, the Government of Malaysia introduced Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) mechanism in accordance with Renewable Energy Act 2011 and Sustainable... More...

Biomass Power Plant Development - "Cheap and Cheerful" or "Bells and Whistles"? (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Duncan Barker ; Yan Tardif
Biomass power is widely accepted as being a integral part of a low-carbon energy generation system as it offers potential base-load power generatio... More...

China’s March Towards eMobility (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Wendy Yong

Derisking for Investment - The Importance of Progressive Governance (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Mark Fogarty
The topic ion the table is the importance of solid and progressive Governance – ie promoting the right Board Profile. 1. Within the Global co... More...

Emission Reduction with ESP Upgrade at Coal-fired Power Plant (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Pattamaporn Suithikarn ; Shalahuddin Shantika Putra ; Willy Stevanus
Apart from maximum power generation capabilities, emission is another major concern among all the power and utility plants due to the stringent emi... More...

EV - Experiences from Europe (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Peter Feehan

From Availability Focus to Market Driven Maintenance in Conventional Power Generation (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Hans-Jürgen Behnke
The electricity generation business is a long term business. The timeline for business cases can extend up to 40 years and the useful life of some ... More...

Gas Turbines Maintenance Strategies (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Mauro Di Giorgio ; Sasha Savic, Ph.D.
We will report about our success in Asia supporting customers to redefine and optimize their gas turbines maintenance strategy to improve competiti... More...

Is your Project "Fit for Finance"? (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): David Blaha
This paper will focus on what project sponsors need to do to ensure they are "Fit for Finance" in order to favorably position themselves ... More...

Key Bankability Issues for Offshore Wind Projects and How to Mitigate Them (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Anna Hermelin ; Harriet Gray
Offshore wind is growing in Asia, as governments seek new ways to meet energy demand. However, bankability remains a significant constraint. This p... More...

Key Factors Driving Decisions to Develop Renewable Energy Projects in Asia (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Cecillia Zheng ; Joo Yeow Lee ; Steve YE
Asia represents the fastest-growing market for renewable energy in the world, with Solar Photovoltaic (PV) projects having great potential as a sou... More...

One-Stop Solution to Reduce Emissions (NOx, SOx, PM and Hg) and Wastewater Discharge for Coal-Fired Power Plants (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Hirofumi Kikkawa ; Kohichiro Abe ; Satoru Shishido ; Takuya Okamoto
To comply with the tightening of emissions regulations, conventional AQCS (Air Quality Control System) including SCR, DESP and WFGD systems should ... More...

Operating Experiences with Seawater Flue Gas Desulphurisation Plants and Presentation of Environmental Compliance (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Christian Demling ; Kai Matthias Kehrmann
Nowadays, various energy generation technologies are applied to meet the increasing energy demand associated with a consistent economic growth espe... More...

Opportunities and Challenges in Renewable Energy Project Development: An Investor’s View (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Azmil Md Ikram ; Raihan A. Jauhari
Southeast Asia is developing and are an energy intensive region with renewable Energy playing supporting role. With an abundance of centralised agr... More...

Optimizing the Utilization of Non-Competitive Power Plant Asset: Case Study on Thermal Power Plant in Muara Karang (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Akbar Rachmad Virgiawan ; Amir Wahyu Al Karim ; Artanina Hassan ; Evan Adriel Rajagukguk ; Indratno Pardiansyah
The ambitious mega project 35 GW of power generation by Indonesian government is targeted to be completed by 2019. This mega project was planned to... More...

Performance Improvement Strategy on the Operation and Maintenance of Lontar Power Generations 3x315 MW. (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Herry Nugraha ; Rahmad Lubis ; Zuhdi Rahmanto
The purpose of this paper is to share the success story of asset management improvement on the operation and maintenance of Lontar power generation... More...

Pumped Storage Plant in Battery-Function: Solar Energy for Irrigation at Night (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Boworachat Chaiyupatump ; Frank Zimmermann

SCR deNOx Catalyst Management and Minimizing the Total Cost of Ownership of SCR deNOx Installations (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Frédéric Mercier ; Xavier Henry
This paper summarizes a case about SCR deNOx catalyst management. It discusses catalyst lifetime extension and reduction of the total cost of owner... More...

Session 3a: Regional & Country Spotlights (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Djunairman A. Djulkifli ; Tom Campbell
A look at power trends in SE Asia followed by a deeper dive into conditions for generation development in China, Philippines and Myanmar More...

Session 3b: Contemporary Bankability (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Ignatius Hwang ; Rex Panambunan
Assessing the derisking elements More...

Session 3c: Operation & Maintenance Strategies (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Aldo Canepa ; Roestomo .
This session describes different experiences of setting proper operation and maintenance strategies to improve competitiveness of conventional and ... More...

Session 3d: Emissions Technology (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Grant Grothen, P.E. ; Waluyo Nugroho H
Emmissions reduction has become a critical priority for coal plants in Asia. Reducing emmissions including air, water and waste is explored in this... More...

Session 3e: Energy Storage in Action (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Adrian Kemp ; Harry Hartoyo
An illustration of how energy storage is becoming a key element in the delivery of reliable power in four very different applications. More...

Session 3f: The Digital Twin (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): David Turner ; Nandi Ranadireksa
Use of simulation and other virtual models to enhance plant design and performance through the life-cycle More...

Session 3g: Project Development (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Moch. Sofyan . ; Nicolas De Loisy
Developing renewable energy successfully More...

Session 4: Electric Vehicles and Infrastructure (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Jeremy Wilcox

Simple Market Reforms for a More Efficient and Future Ready Philippines Power Sector (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Saara Kujala ; Stuti Gandotra ; Ville Rimali
The Philippines has been one of the forerunners in Asia and opened their wholesale electricity spot market (WESM) in Luzon island already in 2006. ... More...

Southeast Asia Power Outlook: A Look at Past Trends, Policies and an Outlook Into the Future (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Cecillia Zheng ; Joo Yeow Lee
Southeast Asia is often named as a region of growth opportunities and their power demand will not only grow as they become wealthier but power will... More...

Success Stories From Myanmar (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Jeff Miller
The opening up of Myanmar in the early part of this decade heralded what seemed to be the opening of a brand new market where there were endless op... More...

Tesla Powerpacks: Accelerating the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Ivan Poerwowidjojo ; Shane Bannister
Tesla Powerpacks: Accelerating the World's transition to Sustainable Energy More...

The Importance of the EMS (Energy Management Systems) in Utility Scale Battery Storage Projects (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): John Jung ; Lisa Magnuson

The Chinese Power Markets Revolution - Impact of Trading and Other Reforms on Companies (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Joseph Jacobelli
The government-led power industry reforms initiated in March 2015 (Release of State Council Doc. No. 9) have been rapidly accelerating. They includ... More...

The Value of “Digital” Solutions in Today’s Challenging Power Generating Market: Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics for Enhance Operational Flexibility and Reliability (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Eleonora Gazzo ; Luca Buzzoni ; Mariano Biondo
In Asia’s fast changing and dynamic power generation industry, corporate and regulatory constraints such as environmental health & safety... More...

Thinking Future Worlds of Power Plants – The Digital Twin is Here (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Annette Barenbruegge ; Devina Pasta ; Jan Weustink ; Purav Bhatt ; Timot Veer ; Torsten Walther

What can you Learn from your Digital Twin (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Gloria Eng ; Rajeev Kishore
With growing power demand across world, emphasis on renewable generation, technological changes and competitive energy market, it is important to a... More...

Delegate Lunch (Room Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies, TRACK B - Finance & Investment, TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation, TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies, TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources, TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization, TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

A SPORE Study: Microgrid Sizing Analyses and Use Cases (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Antoine Ballereau ; Damien Tournillon ; Xiaoyang Peng
Microgrid sizing is one of the most important aspects to assess the feasibility of deploying microgrid projects. Being part of the largest hybrid m... More...

Advance Thermal Hybrid Solutions (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Ihab Chaaban

Advanced Diagnostic System to Asses Futuristic Problems (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Sorin Sebastian Georgescu ; Timot Veer ; Yucheng Tang ; Yvonne Post
Advanced Diagnostic system are used to monitor the condition of assets and process based on archived data which is used to compare the condition an... More...

Advanced Methods of Analyzing Operational Data (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Jens Reich

Advanced Thermal Hybrid Solutions (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Jason Nassar
In a global effort to reduce harmful emissions, the world is moving towards renewable energy sources. Retired coal power plants and new energy dema... More...

Advancements in H Class Gas Turbine Combined Cycle Power Plants (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Christian Vandervort, PhD, PE ; Jonathan Truitt ; Laurent Cornu
The power generation industry in Asia is seeing unprecedented challenges. High fuel costs combined with an increased penetration of renewable power... More...

Aero Technology for Grid Firming (Room Knowledge Hub, Booth N30, Exhibition Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Knowledge Hub

Speaker(s): Ihab Chaaban

Ansaldo Energia GT36 – Market Introduction of the Very Large Gas Turbine with Superior Operational Flexibility (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Eleonora Gazzo ; Thorsten Osterhage
Advanced class Combined Cycle plants continue to play an important role in power generation investments globally. Lower specific investment cost an... More...

Communications in the Age of Energy Cloud (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): David Stokes ; Marco Berger
The presentation will cover briefly some trends and drivers leading power utilities to modernize it's communications infrastructure, migrating ... More...

Contribution of Batangtoru Plant in Reducing GHG Emissions (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Anton Sugiono

Creating a Single Version of Operational Truth- Applying Digital Solutions to Bridge Generation and Trading Teams (Room Garuda 7B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK F - Capitalizing on Digitalization

Speaker(s): Rodney Durban
By 2030, IEA anticipates that renewables and small scale distributed generation will account for nearly a quarter of power generation. As a result,... More...

Equipment Health Mapping and Condition Monitoring Case Study Data Collecting using PdM Application (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Handi Rizkinugraha
Condition based maintenance nowadays has now been one of a maintenance type that plants all over the world must used in order to keep running. Ther... More...

How the Australian Experience in Policy and Technology can be Used to Increase the Uptake of Renewable Energy in South East Asia (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): John Bergantino ; John Gardner ; Kristina Sokolovska ; Tom Campbell
The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is an association of 10 nations with a population of around 630 million, and a combined GDP of ... More...

Incentivising Efficiency Improvements (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Christopher Sullivan ; Jeremy Wilcox ; Michael Osty
Energy efficiency can play a major role in reducing emissions, particularly in rapidly growing economies where fossil fuels are expected to continu... More...

MHPS Latest Large Frame Gas Turbine Development and Fleet Experiences (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): Akihito Kunihiro ; Isamu Matsumi ; Jun Yasuraoka ; Takashi Kishine
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS) has been making every effort continuously to increase the thermal efficiency and performance of Advanced Cl... More...

Progress, Challenges and Way Forward for Geothermal Energy (Room Garuda 7A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK G - Renewable Energy Strategy & Technology

Speaker(s): Pak Nisriyanto ; Prijandaru Effendi

Remote Monitoring & Diagnostic Program: An Effective Generation Cost Reduction Strategy (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Ravi Sharma

Renewable Energy: Emerging Trends and their Environmental and Social Implications (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Stuart Mackenzie
Time frames between permitting and approvals can be a lengthy process. Jurisdictions with mature planning and approvals processes, this process can... More...

Session 4a: Clean Energy Trends (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

Speaker(s): Norman Ginting ; Sean Purdie
How exactly is the drive towards cleaner, greener energy playing out? Gain some key insights in this session. More...

Session 4b: Energy Storage Investment Analysis 101 Workshop (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK B - Finance & Investment

Speaker(s): Chris Starling ; Hari Malamakkavu Padinjare Variam ; Jack Kneeland ; Jan Stempien ; Michael Hideki Matsumura
The last few years have seen battery storage emerge as one of the most exciting new business opportunities in the energy sector. Batteries are incr... More...

Session 4c: Monitoring, Diagnostics & Analytics (Room Garuda 10B, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK C - Optimizing Plant Operation

Speaker(s): Kartawan Mochtar ; Rajeev Kishore
Using latest technologies to understand and optimize operations & maintenance More...

Session 4d: Advancement in Large Gas Turbines (Room Garuda 12, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK D - Power Plant Technologies

Speaker(s): John Gustke
This session provides an update o the latest developm,ents and experience with H and J class gas turbines More...

Session 4e: Hybrid Technologies (Room Garuda 9, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK E - Distributed Energy Resources

Speaker(s): Agus Darmadi ; Duncan Barker
Hybrid combinations of power generation are becoming increasingly popular and financially viable within Asia in a variety of settings. This session... More...