2018 Internal Control & Fraud Prevention Training


Sessions (2)

Trends in Accountability and Oversight: Kicking off AGA’s Annual Inspector General Survey (Room Amphitheater)

20 Sep 18
2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: FOS: AUDG (Auditing Governmental)

Speaker(s): Allison Lerner ; David Zavada CPA ; Melinda Miguel PMP, CIG ; Michael Horowitz ; Troy Meyer CGFM
A leading panel of inspector generals will discuss current issues, trends, concerns and future changes.  An interactive session, panelists wil... More...

Lessons Learned: Responding to and Accounting for Natural Disaster (Room Amphitheater)

20 Sep 18
3:45 PM - 4:35 PM

Tracks: FOS: AUDG (Auditing Governmental)

Speaker(s): Chris Currie ; Leslie Wilks CPA, CFE ; Samantha Atkinson
Governments at all levels provided billions of dollars in disaster aid to help communities recover from the hurricanes and wildfires of 2017. Durin... More...