National Leadership Training 2019


Sessions (0)

W100: The Art of Change Leadership: How to Flex in Times of Flux (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: FOS: PD (Personal Development)

Speaker(s): Cheryl Cran ; John Lynskey CGFM, CPA
Leadership in today’s fast-paced environment demands a facility to flex in times of flux. Agility, adaptability and innovation are key at... More...

W101: Leadership in the Midst of Technological Change (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
9:30 AM - 10:20 AM

Tracks: FOS: CSA (Computer Software & Applications)

Speaker(s): John Lynskey CGFM, CPA ; Karin Dasuki CGFM, CPA ; Rendell Jones, CGFM
New technology brings new challenges to the workforce and management. During this session, a panel of CFOs will review the impact of technological ... More...

W102: Recapture Public Trust with Impact Reporting (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
10:50 AM - 11:40 AM

Tracks: FOS: ACCG (Accounting Governmental)

Speaker(s): Amy Edwards ; Andrew Lewis CGFM, CPA, PMP ; Victoria Collin
With public trust in government hovering at a mere 20 percent, government is not communicating its significant activities effectively. In this ... More...

W103: Program Integrity: Build on What You Have (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM

Tracks: FOS: FINT (Finance-Technical)

Speaker(s): Scott Gaines ; Tammie Johnson
Program integrity encapsulates a variety of concepts, including improper payments, internal controls and payment integrity. One final piece of ... More...

W104: Employ Data to Optimize Staffing (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
1:50 PM - 2:40 PM

Tracks: FOS: STAT (Statistics)

Speaker(s): Alecia Davis ; David Tumblin ; John Mandell ; Michael Coffman ; Sidney Evans
During this session, experts will describe various staffing models and how each of them may work for your organization. Attendees will learn ho... More...

W105: Service Delivery Transformation - A Blueprint for Higher Quality, Lower Costs, and Greater Management Control. (Atrium Ballroom)

27 Feb 19
3:10 PM - 4:25 PM

Tracks: FOS: BMO (Business Management & Organization)

Speaker(s): Antonia Harris ; Dave Mader ; David Shive ; Gerard Badorrek
Where and how government performs work varies according to needs. The key is applying the appropriate service delivery model for optimized internal... More...