AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016

ASVs as Tow Platforms: Wave Glider Experience and Results (Room Innovation Hub – Booth 2717)

05 May 16
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Commercial, Defense, Maritime, Research and Development

The Wave Glider is a unique wave/solar energy powered Autonomous Surface Vessel (ASV). Its two-part design makes it well suited for towing instruments at depth. Deploying a towed payload from a Wave Glider results in a three body, two tether, configuration. This presentation will review the engineering efforts involved in towing systems behind this ASV. The approach to control and stabilization of the tow body will be described. Concepts of operation to ensure effective navigation and control of a Wave Glider with a towed payload will also be described. In this portion of the presentation a technical review of the latest wave glider variant, SV3 will be provided. This includes discussion of increased speed, maneuverability and payload power/interface support. This technical discussion will also describe the challenges in, and solutions for, towing payloads behind the wave glider. This is the “technical meat” portion of the presentation. Towing payloads behind a Wave Glider provides excellent isolation from surface and mechanical noise. It also provides a persistent, long-endurance, option for sensor deployment. Numerous applications have been demonstrated using towed bodies behind Wave Gliders. This presentation will also review the primary applications for this approach and provide a detailed review of certain use cases such as fisheries research and seafloor telemetry “gateways.” In this portion of the presentation details on the field results with towed systems will be presented. Applications that will be discussed (in varying levels of detail) include: seismic survey, fisheries research, undersea telemetry gateway, anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and maritime domain awareness (MDA). This is the “application potatoes” of the presentation. This presentation will balance engineering/technical detail with use case analysis and be suitable for broad audiences interested in both the technology and application of ASVs. The “gravy” on top of the presentation is a deliberate focus on making it suitable for the diverse audience at Xponential. The presentation will be general enough for a non-maritime community member to appreciate but still detailed enough to satisfy those already involved in the unmanned maritime vehicle (UMV) community. Note: The author is a consultant to Liquid Robotics whose technical results will be discussed. It is expected that this relationship will be in place and the author will make this presentation in May 2015. In the event that is not the case Liquid Robotics will provide a substitute speaker. They have commissioned this proposal and fully intend to support the presentation with direct staff or consultant help.