IEEE 2016


04 May 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Panel Session

Microgrids are emerging as alternatives to traditional bulk generation and delivery systems. The microgrid design is subject to two major considerations, namely financial and technical. The financial considerations focus on items such as justifying the feasibility of microgrid investments for various applications. On the other hand, the technical considerations focus on engineering issues necessary to design microgrids to allow for desired operations including islanding, grid-connected operation, black start, reconfiguration, load/generation dispatch and synchronization. The development of microgrid control is a major factor in the engineering design and consequently there has been a lot of focus in this area. The lack of validated and integrated microgrid control solutions has spurred a need for significant research and development efforts in microgrid control to support grid scale microgrid implementations. This panel will bring together leading experts in the area of microgrid controller development and will be coordinated by the Microgrid Taskforce within the Distributed Resource Integration Working Group.