ACA -CCPA 2016 Conference & Expo

ID #165-To Turn Career Endings into Meaningful Finales: Join and/or Facilitate a Career Legacy Circle (Room 513B)

01 Apr 16
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Branch Group B, Career Development and Employment Counseling

Retirement is often too soon, too late, or in troublesome context and refers to a life period as long as the active one. Career legacy circles (CLCs) are structured groups about two human needs and two skills implying a wrapping-up commitment and transmitting one’s professional legacy. They foster work-life balance, knowledge management, and intergenerational communication. This session will share elements of CLCs (tilted spiral, champaign analogy, vade mecum, and CLC facilitators training program) and data collected after 50 CLCs.