AISTech 2017

Study of Spray-Cooling Control for Maintaining Metallurgical Length During Speed Drop for Steel Continuous Casting (Room 204)

09 May 17
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Mathematical Solutions to Steel Problems II

For operations limited by the casting speed, or for steel grades more sensitive to centerline than surface defects, the control of metallurgical length is very important. Operations designed to reduce centerline defects, such as machine taper and soft reduction, depend greatly on the metallurgical length profile. This work explores the potential of using open-loop control methods to minimize metallurgical length deviations during casting speed changes under temperature constraints. A real-time transient model is used to investigate the dynamic thermal behavior of continuous steel slab casters during speed drops under different secondary cooling control methods. The optimal control method developed reduced the metallurgical length deviation by 70%.