AISTech 2017

Development of KOBM Selective Slag Coating Practice (Room 209A)

10 May 17
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Tracks: BOF Maintenance & Refractory

A unique KOBM selective coating practice was successfully developed in ArcelorMittal Dofasco KOBM Steelmaking at the end of 2012. The developed selective coating practice includes developments of both proper slag chemistry and slag coating practice. Proper coating practice refers to the amount of retained slag, vessel rotation angle, coating time, gas flowrate, etc., which is dependent not only on locations of vessel wear, but also on the available time for coating. With the implementation of this practice, the refractory wear rate has greatly decreased in every section of the vessel. This brings significant gains for Dofasco steelmaking, such as improved KOBM productivity, reduced gunning material and refractory cost. In addition, the steelmaking working environment is also improved. In general, KOBM vessel life is no longer a big concern in Dofasco KOBM steelmaking.