AISTech 2017

New Rotoforge Plant Started Up at ABS (Italy) (Room 103A)

08 May 17
4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Start-Ups & Upgrades

The Danieli Rotoforge process is an ideal alternative to the production of high-quality material via forging, with the efficiency and profitability of a rolling mill. This plant produces the same internal quality in cast materials that is achievable by forging, thanks to the features of the new design “RF” heavy-duty stand: it imparts the same tensile strengh to the core of the bloom that is found in materials produced by a forging process. Rotoforge offers advantages such as: high internal quality, comparable to that of a forged product ; improved size quality and tolerances; high reduction ratio (>1:3) for rounds up to 500 mm and equivalent squares; high productivity; and short lead times and fast response to the market demand. “Rotoforged” material has thin grain size and exceptional soundness, while the rolling process ensures excellent surface characteristics, high productivity and dramatic reduction of transformation costs.