AISTech 2017

A Kinetic Model to Predict the Rate of Austenitization During Continuous Heating of Electric Steels (Room 204)

09 May 17
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Mathematical Solutions to Steel Problems II

The last two steps in processing electrical steels, temper rolling and annealing, are very important, since the corresponding changes in microstructure lead to deep changes in the magnetic properties. This work presents a kinetic model to predict the rate of austenitization during continuous heating. It is based on the Avrami equation and is applicable to non-isothermal transformations by using the fictitious time method. The model also predicts the instantaneous elongation experienced by a sample subjected to a given heating rate. Therefore, the kinetic parameters of this model were determined from dilatometric measurements and by minimizing the error between computed and measured elongations.