AISTech 2017

Development of X60–X70 Pipe Steel TSDR Technology for Low-Temperature Toughness Increasing (Room 202A)

08 May 17
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Enhancement of AHSS Through Optimized Microalloying & Thermomechanical Processing

This research was aimed at improving the stability of low-temperature toughness of X65 and X70 strips for line pipe produced by Thin-Slab Direct Rolling (TSDR). The reason for unfavorable results of impact toughness and drop-weight tear tests is non-uniformity of final structure. The study includes analysis of structure at different stages of the TSDR process, developing of recrystallization and grain size models, adaptation of the models on a laboratory rolling mill, creating and industrial testing of new program tool for processing technique improvement. With the new program tool, specific processing parameters were used to achieve uniform final structure. As a result, the spreading of test results was considerably reduced and product yield was raised.