2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo

BOMA Association Executives II (Room 201)

27 Jun 17
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: BAE Session

The BOMA Association Executives (BAE) Council provides a forum for the free exchange of experience and opinions among members through discussion, study and publications. Council members work together to promote the art and science of association management and to educate the members, local affiliated associations, BOMA international, BOMI and other organizations on the unique characteristics of being a local BAE. Through its meetings and conferences for the mutual improvement and educatoin of members, the council develops and encourages the practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct among individuals serving as a BAE. The BAE Council acts as spokesman for its members and as an advocate for BAEs.

I.  Welcome Remarks
II.  Transitioning Your Board into a High Performance, Strategic Thinking Entity - Presented by Robet F. Nelson, CAE
III. BAE Council Business
IV.  Concluding Remarks