NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Interdisciplinary Spine Forum: Opiates and What Should We Be Doing First? (Room 406AB)

28 Sep 18
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Multidisciplinary

Moderator: Robb Russell, DC


A historic number of governmental, professional and trade organizations, including the FDA, CDC, Joint Commission and Association of US Attorneys General, have recommended less use of opioids for the management of pain than currently practiced in the United States. Specifically related to back pain, treatment guidelines published by the American College of Physicians as well as diagnosis and treatment guidelines jointly issued by the VA and Department of Defense, have similarly advised against use of opioids. Both guidelines recommended several non-pharmaceutical approaches.


This multidisciplinary panel will review the clinical problems associated with the over-prescribing of opioid medications and present evidence-based options for nonoperative care of patients suffering from such pain. Emerging spine care pathways that advocate alternative pharmacological approaches, as well as early use of pain psychology, acupuncture, spinal manipulation and patient self-care, will be presented within the context of patient satisfaction and improved clinical outcomes.


Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Understand the history and drivers that have led to the overuse of opioids for spine pain and the clinical and social ramifications;
  • Recognize the evidence for inclusion of non-opioid procedures and practices;
  • Be aware of how diagnosis-based clinical decision-making can lead to incorporation of non-opioid spine care for acute and chronic back pain.



Introduction of Panel and Topic
Robb Russell, DC


Opioid versus Non-Opioid Medications for Chronic Back Pain: The SPACE Trial
Erin Krebs, MD


Psychological Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Back Pain: Alternatives to Opioids
Daniel Bruns, PhD


Integrating Complementary and Alternative Management Using Diagnosis-Based Decisions
Melissa Nagare, DC, LAc


Discussion, Questions and Answers
Faculty Panel