Electrify Europe 2018

Reciprocating Engine Driven Power Stations In Connection With Batteries And Photo-Voltaic On Basis Of An Hybrid Island Power Plant (Room Arena 1)

Island grids are autonomous electricity networks for small areas without connection to other electricity grids. They are often operated in isolated areas on islands, in remote regions, or even in sensitive production facilities, which require a higher level of supply security and quality of supply than public networks can provide. The power supply of island networks often consist of renewable energies, engine driven power plants, battery solutions and load management systems (Mircogrids). The largest share of renewable energies is taken up by wind turbines. Engine power plants are used when renewable energies do not generate sufficient energy. They have a good start-up behavior , good partial load capacity with high efficiency and large fuel variability . Batteries bridge the standby operation of a generating unit when power needs to be compensated at short notice, e.g. when a motor or wind turbine has failed or network fluctuations have to be supported. When using a battery, the remaining engines can be operated with a higher load (about 60% -70%), better efficiency and reduced operating hours. The remaining power of the engines is spinning reserve. Maintenance costs of the engines are reduced since they refer to operating hours and not to the engine power. In the primary energy market, batteries also can take over network services with the generation of positive and negative energies. The load management system takes over the intelligent control and optimization of the entire system. Engines can be equipped with disconnectable couplings. In this way, the alternators can remain connected to the grid when there is a high proportion of green electricity on line (no demand for active power) in order to compensate reactive power and to stabilize the grid frequency with mass inertia (rotating masses of the alternator). Case studies of Island projects, municipal applications as well as industrial drives are provided in our presentation.