RSI/CMA 2018

RSI Panel: Regulation, Policy, Elections: The Impact on You (Room Davidson Ballroom, Level 1M)

10 Sep 18
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Air Brake Association (ABA), Intl. Assoc. of Railway Operating Officers (IAROO), League of Railway Women (LRW), Locomotive Maintenance Officers Association (LMOA), Railcar Technical Services Association (RTSA), Railway Supply Institute

If you’ve been wondering how topical political issues and outcomes can affect your comany and industry as a whole, join RSI and our four policy experts for an open conversation. Discussion topics will include the impact of trade negotiations, innovation in rail technology, what to expect in the U.S. mid-term elections, and what Congress can accomplish by the end of the year.

Bring your questions so we can have a lively discussion.