2019 Craft Brewers Conference

Researcher Presentation: Of Barley Promises, Otters, Pints and Friends: The Contributions of Barley to Beer Flavor (Room 501-504)

10 Apr 19
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Technical Brewing

Your Brewers Association funds have generously funded barley research at Oregon State University (OSU) since 2016. Milestones include the OSU Malt House and the Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 2017 papers on the contributions to beer flavor made by Golden Promise, Full Pint, and some of their Oregon Promise progeny. During the presentation, Pat will share breaking news on the integration of sensory assessments and metabolomics, as well as details on how to access seed of the top three Oregon Promise selections so that you can determine what contributions they make to the flavor of your beers.