Mensa AG 2018

Crunchy Meet-and-Greet (Room 201/202)

04 Jul 18
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Meet and Greet

What does it mean to be crunchy? Examples include growing your own food, recycling, walking barefoot, baby-wearing, eating vegetarian, home birth, composting, cloth diapering, no-poo, making your own soap, avoiding plastics, and really anything that marks you as a researching, mind-body aware, sustainability-seeking outlier from modern America. If these sound familiar, you might be crunchy! Come chat. Crunchiness may start with a veggie burger or enjoying grass between your toes. Next you grow herbs on the windowsill and try an elimination diet. Before you know it, you're making heirloom tomato body scrub and mainlining essential oils. There are lots of ways to be crunchy, and they're all weird. Come make new connections with your people (not to antagonize or proselytize).