Mensa AG 2018

The Kinsey Institute: History & Studies (Room JW Grand Ballroom 3/4)

05 Jul 18
7:30 PM - 8:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Nancy Ostrowski
(This is an adults-only program.) Many recognize the name Kinsey, but few could share much beyond the word sex. Yes, sex continues to drive the Kinsey Institute; and, as long as there remain questions to be answered, the institute continues to conduct high-impact research on sex, gender, and reproduction. This includes analyses of human sexual behavior, sex in the electronic age, consequences of sexual trauma, the role sex plays in our health and well-being, and much more. The institute also extends far beyond its walls as an icon of academic freedom, independence of research, celebration of individual differences, and the acceptance of diversity, including sexual diversity. The collections, started by Dr. Alfred Kinsey, serve as a unique international resource, which continues to welcome those seeking more data, information, or answers related to the universality of the human sexual experience. The Kinsey Institute celebrates more than 70 years of research, the preservation of its treasured collections, and new paths to outreach and education.