Mensa AG 2018

Debate Room: You Want That Chicken Original Recipe or CRISPR? (Room 205)

06 Jul 18
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: Debate

Citrus greening is a new disease now threatening citrus growers across the country. Related blights jeopardize other crops like bananas, tomatoes and potatoes. Plant scientists could save the day by exploiting CRISPR-cas9 technology to “edit” cell-surface proteins that pathogens use as entry points. The plants wouldn’t be “GMO” because the altered plant’s genome contains no gene from another species’ DNA. Would a CRISPR tomato be better than a GMO one? Debate Room is not a heated debate but a fast-paced, moderated discussion where everyone gets to be heard, and the most interesting speaker gets a prize!