Mensa AG 2018

Art and the Herstory of Drag (Room JW Grand Ballroom 3/4)

07 Jul 18
10:30 PM - 11:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Steven Patton
(This is an adults-only program.) In recent years the art of drag has moved center stage of pop culture. The herstory of drag, however, has a long history rich in culture, humor, cleverness, and wit; one of which most people are unaware. We will talk about decades of the underground drag scene and discuss the effort that goes into being a drag entertainer, the various styles and types of drag, the wide variety of drag scenes and circuits one might find, and the dynasties that contribute to them. We will answer questions like “where does it go?” and review famous drag icons and some of the scene’s most bizarre stories. Featuring entertaining clips from as far back as 1967, we will get into the fame and slang of drag, and the meaning of terms like “butch queen,” “realness,” and “girl you peed for that.” So pull up a seat, Mary, ’cause this tea is hot!