Mensa AG 2018

Secrets from a Dhow Shipwreck (Room JW Grand Ballroom 3/4)

08 Jul 18
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): David Michel
In 1998, a shipwreck was discovered off Belitung Island, Indonesia. It contained a remarkable cargo of more than 60,000 ceramics produced in China during the Tang dynasty (618–907), as well as luxurious objects of gold and silver. Hear and see what was learned from this one wreck. Bound for Iran and Iraq, the ship provides early proof for strong commercial links between China, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. The Tang shipwreck reveals that Singapore’s region lay at the heart of a global trading network in the 9th century. The success of Singapore as an exchange point of global shipping thus has ancient roots. The beautiful objects of exceptional rarity testify to the ingenuity of artists and merchants, and show that exotic objects have long been appreciated by the world’s consumers.