POWER-GEN Asia 2018

Success Stories From Myanmar (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

The opening up of Myanmar in the early part of this decade heralded what seemed to be the opening of a brand new market where there were endless opportunities. The gold rush hasn’t yet materialized but what has happened is slow and steady progress towards developing a power market. The presentation focuses on some successful projects including CCGT and solar plus a brief look at emergency power. The developers have built strong relationships with the national government and local communities. This has resulted in more flexibility on behalf of the offtaker and a request to continue building. Myanmar needs to continue expanding its power sector for a generation or more to come and the existing players will have an advantage when developing new projects as they have demonstrated that foreign developers can also be good corporate citizens. In the short term, the next election is scheduled for November 2020 and this is focusing the government’s attention on expanding the power sector. The opportunities are there for companies with the patience to exploit them and the background to show they believe in win-win projects.