POWER-GEN Asia 2018

Five Disruptive Trends in the Evolving Asian Power Markets (Room Garuda 8, 1st Floor)

19 Sep 18
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: TRACK A - Trends, Projects and Strategies

The power industry has already witnessed signs of disruption with the rapid advancement of technologies. Rigorous environmental policies and the decreasing cost of renewables are rapidly changing the way the power markets function. The shift in the way we produce and consume electricity could potentially disrupt the power markets. Although Asian markets are at an early stage of the disruptive changes, they need to be prepared for the challenges that will come along with a shift in supply sources, demand patterns and consumer behaviors as these changes can come much faster than anticipated. Assessment of the five disruptive trends that can change the face of the power markets is discussed in this paper. 1. Declining cost of renewable generation: intermittency of supply, impact on conventional energy sources, impact on power grid infrastructure 2. Advancements in battery storage technologies: elimination of reliability challenges from renewables 3. Electric vehicles: upside to the power demand and downside to oil, impact on the demand profile via disruptive charging patterns 4. Distributed generation: changing power consumption behavior 5. Environmental policies: the fall of conventional technologies