AUVSI's Unmanned Systems 2016

Design and Development of Autonomous Amphibious Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and UAV Mountable Water Sampling Devices for Water Based Applications (Room Innovation Hub-- Booth 2727)

05 May 16
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Air, Research and Development

Main Goal: 1. Design and development of Autonomous Amphibious Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AAUAV) vehicle that can autonomously fly to the test location and test the water quality in real time with the aid of on board sophisticated water analyzing sensors. 2. Incorporation of hyper spectral imaging for the identification of water sampling points and to analyze miscellaneous chemical constituents from their particle size. 3. To design, develop and integrate water sampling mechanism that aids in collecting and storing the water on board for laboratory based bacterial and physiochemical tests. 4. Design of data base management system to facilitate improved water quality assessment and assurance. Significance: 1. Water quality monitoring involves continuous sampling and assessment of water constituents for condition estimation. The primary requisites for effective monitoring program are to determine the type of water quality problem, sampling, accuracy and cost of monitoring equipment and capabilities of the professionals. In overall monitoring process, an effective sampling strategy is critically important as it dictates the extensiveness of laboratory analysis in terms of physical, chemical and biological tests. In conventional methods, the sampling of toxic substances such as heavy metals, organic chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, solvents, and PCBs) and harsh water environments are performed in much limited way, as it offers difficulty for volunteers to reach and requires lot of safety procedures. This limitations in sampling results in inadequate laboratory analysis, thus leads to misleading water investigations. 2. The conventional problems can be effectively encountered by the deployment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, for its capabilities to reach and sample in any toxic or highly contaminated water bodies. The extensive water bodies can be effortlessly covered and sampled in a time effective manner and thus contributes to rapid water assessment. The requirement of expensive boats, professionals samplers and safety protocols can be avoided, thus results to substantial reduction in cost and operational safety. Expected Outcome: 1. An innovative and state of the art Autonomous Amphibious UAV for water based applications. 2. Monitoring the effluents and chemicals mixing to the drinking water from various industries, which contributes for effective water management. 3. The readiness and the robust design that facilitates in quick on board water analysis and help in deciding the treatment methodology for that particular habitat serving water bodies. This method reduces the lead time involved in lab environment testing methods in a significant way thereby rapid refinement activities can be executed.