2017 Fall Dealer Market

Leveraging BrandBase for Integrated Marketing (Room 151B)

24 Aug 17
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Educational Workshop, General Session, Lunch & Learn

Are you looking to up your marketing game while streamlining processes, having full control and ownership over the products and pricing featured in your promotions, and want to increase consistency of how you present your brand both to your market at large and in-store?  Join your Brand Building Managers for an informative overview of BrandBase - Orgill's new marketing software which helps you create those marketing pieces that elevate your brand image.

Attendees will learn:

  • The vision for Orgill’s BrandBase -- where we are today and what our plans are for the next few years
  • How to create circulars and flyers for distribution
  • How to create ROPs (Newspaper Ads)
  • How to create in-store signs, posters and shelf talkers (aka price cards)
  • How to add create a custom product database to your account with commodity or non-Orgill products
  • Basic design fundamentals to help create attractive marketing pieces
  • What other dealers are doing, including reviews of our “Circular of the Month” award winning designs