NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Surgical Innovation Lab Demo: The Future of Herniated Disc Repair Procedures: A Demonstration on the Design and Clinical Application of the AnchorKnot® Tissue Approximation Kit (Room The Learning Place, Green Lab)

27 Sep 18
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

The AnchorKnot® Tissue Approximation Kit was developed to augment the existing standard of care for herniated disc repair procedures. A true minimally invasive discectomy procedure extends beyond surgical access and allows for native tissue conservation where it may benefit the patient. Dr. Scott Blumenthal, M.D. at the Texas Back Institute is an expert in herniated disc repair procedures and will be demonstrating the use of the AnchorKnot® Tissue Approximation Kit and the intraoperative considerations.

This event is by invitation only and is intended for surgeons who perform discectomy procedures. Please send your RSVPs to Ester Kwok, Product Manager at with the email title “RSVP - Anchor demo NASS Sept 27th 2-4pm”

Invitation only