Mensa AG 2018

Homeland Security and the Cyber Threat: On the Local Level (Room JW Grand Ballroom 9)

07 Jul 18
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Leo Doyle
Homeland Security’s cyber first responders are one of our nation’s first lines of defense against computer hackers. These first responders are trained to think and act like hackers who search out and exploit computer and network vulnerabilities. One way our nation’s first responders are kept in shape is through red team and blue team cyber training exercises. Many terrorist groups and underground organizations use the “dark web” to organize and plan attacks, some of them against the United States. The dark web has sites set up for stolen credit card sales; username, password, and social security number sales; drug sales; murder for hire; pedophiles; weapon sales; etc. It is extremely difficult to track people on the dark web and, therefore, it is used for basically anything the regular web can’t legally be used for. Leo will cover these topics as well as highlighting other nation-state cyber threats and attacks.