Mensa AG 2018

Collecting Rare and Odd Cars (Room JW Grand Ballroom 3/4)

08 Jul 18
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Leo Doyle
It has been said that there are three phases of car collecting: 1) finding the car (the “hunt and chase”), 2) restoring the car (the hard times), and 3) showing the car (the fun times). Leo started collecting cars around 15 years ago and has amassed 43 of the rarest and strangest vehicles around. He will talk about how he acquired his cars and how he finds parts to repair them. He will share stories about how some sellers will interview him and ask for references before they will agree to sell him their car. Leo has traveled all over the country to acquire his collection. If you’ve ever thought about hunting for that one rare car or starting your own car collection, this talk would be a good starting place. Or perhaps you’d just like to see some pictures of some rare and odd cars.