Mensa AG 2018

The Positive Psychology of Personal Branding (Room JW Grand Ballroom 9)

07 Jul 18
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Scott Davis
Personal branding has a branding problem. A glut of voices that range from motivational speaking to cover letter tweaking diluted “personal branding” and created confusion and resentment toward the phrase. It’s a shame, too, because personal branding can be fruitful process of self-discovery, communication, and change that enriches careers and well-being. Personal branding should not make you cringe. Marketers have a lot to teach us about distinguishing ourselves. Coca-Cola persists in memory. Disney makes magic. Apple inspires. Nike motivates. Netflix nudges. Tesla transcends. As a marketing professor, I want to show how the people behind the world’s greatest brands have cultivated and sharpened tools that we as individuals should be using for ourselves. In this presentation, I will apply modern theories from positive psychology to present an actionable guide to positively developing your personal brand and increasing your happiness.