Offshore WINDPOWER Conference & Exhibition 2018

Technology roadmaps – providing a framework for innovation to thrive (Room Room 3)

16 Oct 18
2:50 PM - 3:50 PM

Tracks: Technology and Innovation

The Carbon Trust initiated its flagship Offshore Wind Accelerator programme in 2008, and in that time has helped support, develop and commercialize a wide array of technologies targeted at reducing the cost of offshore wind. A fundamental part of this work has been the development of technology roadmaps. In this presentation, the Carbon Trust will show how the OWA has utilized roadmaps to help de-risk technologies. In addition, the presentation will highlight the groundwork behind roadmaps that are perhaps unseen – such as ensuring industry buy-in from across the supply chain, as well as keeping financiers and their advisers informed throughout. The presentation will use the case study of the Floating LiDAR Roadmap which has had unparalleled success in de-risking floating LiDAR as a technology and providing a platform for this innovative solution to grow into what it is today. Finally, the presentation will provide some recommendations and suggestions for roadmap development in the US.