AAMI 2018 Conference & Expo

The Role of the Sterilization Professional in Japan and Beyond (Room CC, 203AB)

The Japanese Society of Medical Instrumentation (JSMI) launched a program for the certification of sterile service technicians in 2000 to advance the management of central sterile processing departments and to improve patient safety. JSMI started another certification program for sterilization specialists in 2003 to support a high quality of sterilization assurance in healthcare. JSMI has more than 7,000 certified sterile service technicians and 365 certified sterilization specialists. Advanced knowledge in sterilization is needed now more than ever before. Last year, for example, the Japanese government approved the re-fabrication of a single-use device for a surgical case. In this session, we would like to exchange ideas on how to further improve the sterilization professional, and learn about the experiences and opinions of others working in the field.