2018 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium

Cyber Education Theater: Women of Government, Industry and Academia Discuss Cybersecurity Challenges (Room Halls F and Swing)

The cybersecurity solutions of today will not be adequate tomorrow.  Our panel of leaders will address their challenges, strategies and priorities as they adapt to stay ahead of complex cybersecurity threats.  Discussion will include topics such as:  Threat landscape, Risk Management Strategy, resilience and critical infrastructure protection, Policy and cultural aspects of cyber security, Accountability and Responsibility, Roles and Responsibilities, Protection of personal information, Safe use of commercial solutions such as mobile devices and cloud storage, and Research for new solutions.

Each expert panelist will comment on cybersecurity workforce challenges -- recruiting, developing and maintaining a workforce with the right skills to operate and protect networks in the rapidly changing threat environment.

Session attendees can leverage the knowledge of industry and government's most senior cybersecurity experts by learning from their experience and observations.