2018 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium

Collaboration Theater: Defense Information System Network (DISN) - An Essential Weapon for the Nation's Defense (Room Halls F and Swing)

16 May 18
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Collaboration Theater, Continuing Education

This session provides an overview of the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) both now and where it will be in the future.  In DISA, the Infrastructure Directorate is charged with the sustainment of the DISN.  As such, the care and feeding of the DISN includes the following:  network enhancements (Quality of Service, Software Defined Network, Gray Core Services, Commercial Ethernet Gateways, Next Generation Networks, to name a few); engineering and programmatic efforts toward current typography and visionary efforts for the future; assured connectivity and survivability; and orchestrated virtualization efforts.

The sum total of sustainment activities do not overshadow the day-to-day operations to 150k+ users across the globe (100+ Nations) connecting 1.1k of locations by traversing 125 Tbps of infrastructure backbone along with internet access point and mobility/satellite gateways.