2018 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium

Innovation Showcase: Taking the Distance Out of Big Data Transport and Access (Room Hall F, 100 aisle)

16 May 18
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM

Tracks: SIGNAL Industry Innovation Showcase

NRI's innovation is a major step forward in solving the problem of moving or accessing Big Data files over long distance/high latency network links. The capability truly maximizes your bandwidth investment by filling network links with ~95% 'good' data, unlike today's standard protocols that can fill your pipe with up to 80% or more of digital overhead. This capability moves big data files in a tiny fraction of the time it takes today and does so in a lossless & deterministic manner for a plethora of use cases while leveraging your current infrastructure and offering a new paradigm for thinking about time, process and infrastructure savings.