PCBC 2018

Selecting Fresh Air Ventilation Systems To Meet Energy Codes (Room 153, Esplanade)

28 Jun 18
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Affordability Solutions, Open-to-All

New energy codes require homes that are far tighter than ever before. T-24 now requires fresh air ventilations system to maintain healthy indoor air quality. The challenge for builders is that there is a myriad of systems and choices. Selecting ventilation systems can be complicated. In addition when not designed and installed correctly they can create pressure imbalances that cause back drafting indoor air quality (IAQ) and moisture problems. Steve Easley uses real world pictures and graphics to sort through the myriad of system choices to help you design and select the most cost effective system to meet code and beyond. This class explains why properly ventilated, well-insulated, tighter, homes have fewer moisture problems, perform better, last longer and are healthier to live in than the typically insulated, “accidentally ventilated” home

AIA CE Course Learning Units: 1