HR Tech 2018

HR Tech Talk | 2025: Overcoming the Great Talent Drought (Room Expo - HR Tech Talks Theater 2928)

Hear about a future fully catered to the candidate with Sjoerd Gehring, Global VP of Talent Acquisition and People Experience at Johnson & Johnson and Joe Essenfeld, CEO and Founder of Jibe.

The talent shortage that started in the mid 20-teens has escalated into a full blown drought of skilled workers. This talent drought has become the single biggest issue for global companies to overcome. The shortage continues to compound as robots and AI augment and not replace skilled workers. Skilled workers are more productive than ever before and even harder to find. To compensate, Johnson & Johnson has re-engineered their internal and external recruiting processes to accommodate this new hostile recruiting environment. Attend this talk “from the future” so you can prepare your organization for the next decade of talent shortage and recruiting challenges.


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