InterDrone 2018

Inspection-Worthy 3D Models Using Photogrammetry (Room Tropical)

05 Sep 18
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Tracks: Inspection, Surveying and Mapping

One of the biggest issues with photogrammetry and inspections is the lack of detail in 3D models. Inspection-grade photos require high resolution to identify small problems before they become big. This makes 3D models more of a value-add, and spawns the constant question, ""cool model, but how can I use it?""
Current inspection methods (using the raw photos) lack context, and require engineers to spend precious time locating where inspection photos are in relationship to structures.

Using the right flight patterns, software, and processing techniques high-resolution/high detail models can be generated which not only offer context to inspection imagery; but can offer engineering firms the ability to show clients issues with their structures with accuracy, and turning a ""value-add"" into a revenue generator.

Additionally, with high resolution 3D models, side orthomosaics can be generated with immense detail for inspection, and documentation purposes (such as Local Law 11). With 100% of structure coverage (unlike current methodologies).

This presentation will outline the necessary flight patterns, and software processing techniques to generate inspection-worthy 3D models and side orthomosaics.