InterDrone 2018

A Tale of Two Drones: Product Showcase by Parrot Business Solutions (Room Amazon K-O)

05 Sep 18
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Agriculture, Inspection, Public Safety, Surveying and Mapping

Building out a successful professional drone portfolio is about meeting the needs of users right across the commercial spectrum—from operators with varied needs and limited budgets, such as independent contractors and farmers, to heavy, enterprise-level users like land surveying teams and crop consultancies, and everyone in between.

In this session, Jean-Thomas CĂ©lette, the Chief Strategy & Product Officer of Parrot Business Solutions, will detail how Parrot—the leading European drone group—is doing exactly that: Pushing technology to develop end-to-end solutions that meet the commercial sector’s ever-evolving needs, with a focus on three main industries: agriculture, public safety and 3D mapping, survey and inspection.

To do this, Jean-Thomas will highlight two of the very latest Parrot Business Solution releases, diving deep into the features and workflows that ensure these end-to-end, vertically-optimized solutions meet users’ needs, whatever the price point.

This class is sponsored by Parrot.