InterDrone 2018

UAS in Public Safety: Where Are We Today? (Room Palma)

05 Sep 18
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Public Safety

Over the past 12-18 months, the adaption rate of Unmanned Aerial Systems in public safety has dramatically increased. Off-the-shelve solutions have already been providing benefits and through our learnings in public safety, we have been focusing on more in-depth hardware and software solutions for fire, search and rescue and law enforcement. Through several focused public safety partnerships and pilot test sites, including a partnership with the European Emergency Number Association (EENA), DJI has been assessing needs, challenges and success stories. What have we learned, where are we today and what will the future look like? Romeo will share insights into current and future solutions, lessons learned in the field and share information on deployment methods within public safety.