InterDrone 2018

Best Practices for Safety-Critical Software (Room Amazon H-J)

05 Sep 18
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Development and Hardware

Software that runs on unmanned aircraft or other physical systems is inherently more dangerous than other types of software such as websites. Therefore, developers working on such systems must be rigorous in the design, implementation, testing, and deployment of their software.

This talk will discuss best practices and lessons learned for teams developing safety-critical software. Specifically, we will discuss the following topics:
<ul><li>How to design high reliability software</li><li> The interaction between hardware and software desig</li><li> Implementation details of high reliability software, including: <ul><li> The importance of execution timing</li><li>Tips for memory allocation and management</li><li>The importance of causal systems</ul></li><li>The importance of design and implementation review</li><li>Code review tooling and best practice</li><li>Desired tooling and infrastructure for software development and test teams</li><li> The different types of testing including hardware in the loop testing</li><li> Deployment practices for safety critical software</li></ul>
If you are a software developer working with safety critical systems, work with software teams, or have interest in what working on a professional software team is like, then this talk is for you!