InterDrone 2018

Using Drone For More Than Just NDVI on a Farm (Room Lambada)

06 Sep 18
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Tracks: Agriculture

When using drones on the farm, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is commonplace. However, with new thermal mapping technologies constantly evolving, we can look at crops with another view after an environmental event for insurance claims, for example, or study moisture disbursement in row crops for a more intuitive insight into how long to irrigate your fields.

You can also use real-time mapping software to capitalize on pre-planting activities, from weed spraying, and remediation amendment verification to identifying drip leaks and drainage issues.

Additionally, you can Identify soil variabilities with bare soil imagery, allowing for another layer of information to correlate, verify, and make smarter decisions with.

These are just a few examples of the many uses for drones on the farm. Attend this class to learn about them and more.