InterDrone 2018

AirMap Keynote: Opening Up the Skies for Drones: Why Innovation, Disruption and Collaboration are Key (Room Brasilia)

06 Sep 18
10:20 AM - 10:40 AM

Drones are already being used to transport medical supplies, inspect critical infrastructure, and for  post-disaster recovery, but there isn’t a clear air traffic management system that allows for these and other more complex operations to scale.

Right now, NASA, the FAA, DoT and the rest of industry are working together to create an equal balance between innovation and regulation and set up a regulatory framework to open up the skies for drones. Progress, however, also lies in our ability to provide drone operators with seamless access to advanced flight tools that enabled advanced operations like beyond line-of-sight and night-time visual capability.

This session will illustrate why collaboration between the state and local governments, disruption by private and public companies, and collaboration between local and global communities is key to opening up the skies for drones and and how other countries are setting the pace for innovation in the commercial drone sector.